Saturday, January 9, 2010

Nativity Program

Christmas comes to Russia in January.

In early January, twenty young people from the Smolensk church will take part in fifteen performances of a nativity play. They will share the Christmas story with their church, with Sunday School children, with children from the neighborhood, with children from the many orphanages in their region, and for groups of disabled children. Along with the Christmas performance, the church brings gifts to the children. Many of the children who hear and see the Christmas story will never have heard or seen it before.

Please pray for this special part of the churches' outreach ministry.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Natasha Kilesnikova

Natasha is a special, creative leader. She was the script writer, director, and costume designer for the Christmas play. Natasha shares her creative skills throughout the year - particularly for Easter pageants and special children's celebrations.

Please pray for Natasha as she leads her church in so many significant ways.